Weekly Mash Up #36: Topics in Blogging, HTML5, Freelance, and SEO

Over the last week,  I read some great articles but there weren’t as many as I normally read. Out of those article, I found seven great articles that I think will be helpful for everyone. This week’s mash up includes topics in blogging, HTML5/SEO in web design, Freelance, and SEO. New Community News Options For […]

Why Should You Care About HTML5

HTML5 has been around for sometime and most of the websites you visit every day have some sort of HTML5 coding on it. If you have a fairly advanced site or looking to add some new design elements that previous versions of HTML doesn’t do, you might want to look into updating your site so […]

What Can HTML5 Microdata Do for You?

If you’re a frequent reader of Evolutionary Designs then you’ll have seen James writing about rich snippets and semantic web markup before. For those of you not familiar with the terms I’ve written a brief summary below. If you want to get straight to the article then just skip the explanations. Semantic markup – meta […]

A collection Of Cheat Sheets that Every Web Developer Can Use

The one thing that annoys me about web design and coding in general is forgetting certain elements in the code or what tag I need to make the element in the design do what I want. When I am working on a project, I have several reference sites open, hand written notes, and coding lay […]

The Best HTML5 and CSS3 Cheat Sheets of 2011

Now that HTML5 and is CSS3 is out and many website designs and WordPress themes require HTML5 and CSS3 its a good idea to at least get familiar with the elements and the coding of CSS3 and HTML5. To do that you could always check out the HTML5 Resource collection I wrote back in May […]

Unleashing HTML5: Articles, Guides, Resources, Tutorials, and Cheat Sheets

Over the last few years, we have heard rumors about HTML5 and what it will do for web design. Then came articles all about HTML5, mostly introductions to HTML5 and some basic features that worked in most browsers, then they started sharing resources that would only worked in browsers such as Firefox and Chrome. But […]

Use HTML5 Canvas Element to Create Graphic Text

In this installment of the HTML5 canvas element I want to show you another cool graphic that you can use on your site. This usage of the canvas tool is a little different. Instead of drawing a graphic with shapes, you can use the canvas element to draw text graphics. I came across this example […]

Use The Canvas Element in HTML To create Graphics

I often see articles, tutorials and info sites focusing HTML5 and from those articles I see a lot of benefits to HTML5. At the same time, I get clients and friends asking me about what’s HTML and do they do they need it on their sites. To be honest,  you do not really or at […]

Twitter Users Have You Tried Hootsuit5 Yet?

Earlier today, while logging into Hootsuite , I received an announcement form the creators of Hootsuite announcing that Hootsuite5 was rolled out earlier this morning! So far, I love it. What this Means For Hootsuite Users Hootsuite developers made huge changes the Twitter client. They started with a revamping the HTML5 user interface. Hootuiste made […]

You Can Now Play Quake II with HTML5

Yesterday Google released a video of their engineers playing Quake II using Safari without using plugins. The Engineers used some of their 20% time to test the limits of HTML5. Their results were an HTML5 port of Id’s Quake II game engine! Normally I would not do a post on video games, but this game […]

110+ CSS Resources and Tutorials

Cascading style sheets (CSS) were created to define how HTML elements will display. CSS can be implemented on the index page or as a stand alone file. In most cases, I would recommend using an external style because you can easily make changes to the style sheet by updating the code and simply replacing the […]