Quick Tip: Learn How to Integrate Google Analytics with Hootsuite5

Recently Hootsuite released their new version of their Twitter client Hootsuite5.  In this version they made a lot of changes for the good of the client. One of the new features is the integration of Google Analytics. This feature is going to be asset to any web designer, SEO consultant, and anyone who maintains a […]

Twitter Users Have You Tried Hootsuit5 Yet?

Earlier today, while logging into Hootsuite , I received an announcement form the creators of Hootsuite announcing that Hootsuite5 was rolled out earlier this morning! So far, I love it. What this Means For Hootsuite Users Hootsuite developers made huge changes the Twitter client. They started with a revamping the HTML5 user interface. Hootuiste made […]

Free Market Research with Google Analytics

Do you know about the free market research available from Google Analytics?  Yes, free!  95% of businesses fall into one of two categories: They think that analytics is technical and just for the tech geeks. They installed analytics with all good intentions, and never bothered to look at the reports. If that is you, then […]