Are Original Images As Important As Original Content?

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So many essential factors affect your blog’s orientation. However, there is a recurring point of consideration for every aspect – Originality. It is an accepted fact that you have to work to create original content. Your posts have to stand out as your authentic opinion on your niche’s important topics.

However, images are just as much a part of your post presentation as your blog post itself. As such, how much of an importance should you put on the optimization of your blog’s images and their levels of originality? There are many instances where freely available images have been used by multiple bloggers for their posts. Here is a quick look at the points that lead to bloggers deciding to work with commonly available images.

  1. Following any popular trend or style that has worked for other similar topic blogs – It removes the suspense of whether the image works for the subject of the content.
  2. The common images are free or available at a very low cost. This is also the reason why the images are so commonly used in most sites.
  3. Some bloggers just do not afford that much of thought to image selection or coordination with the content and they randomly select free images available from popular picture portals to add to their text content.

Image Originality and Optimization Tips to That Effect

Are Original Images As Important As Original Content?Images are important because they work as visual aids and highlight the purpose of your content topic. In an obvious pattern, the bigger sized image will highlight the more important context of your article and the smaller sized will enhance the subtler points.

The technique of image orientation goes deeper than just the size of the images. Here are some general tips to consider about selection of images, choice of resources and optimization of the image descriptions to attract more search engine attention to your posts.

  • Using images with your content is vital for the presentation aspect but it is also a fact that the budget and availability of equipment will restrict you at times from capturing your exact photo compositions. In such a situation, you can use stock images as substitutes. There are many stock portals on the Internet. You can just purchase credit charges at an optimum cost for stock photos. You also have free stock image portals as an option. The disadvantage of using stock images is they are extremely common and may have been used on more than one sites. If you’re tight on budget you may try discount deals; you may try out deals from and thinkstock, for instance.
  • Original photos are always the best bet. However, even when using common images, you can include some reorientation to individualized the image on your site. As mentioned above, it is prudent to re-size the photos according to the context of their reference in the posts. You can add individual description or tag text to each image to give them a better position on search engines. Search engines base their method of scouring on the texts, since they cannot see the images. As such, the textual description in your (Alt Tag) HTML code will be the basis of your image’s individuality and visibility for search engines. You can also get on a photo editing software and tweak the color and the play of lights and shadows in the image to give it a completely new look.
  • Take the time out of your schedule to arrange for personally shooting some of the images for your posts. You might also consider professional customized image compositions, although that depends on your budget since it can get expensive. You might also consider drawing illustrations for some of your posts, if that is your content and time allow for it (and you have the talent for it!). These options can be considered for some of your special posts or any eBooks dedicated to you site that you might consider developing.

You have to put the utmost care in to the selection of images to be posted on your site. These images need to reflect on the style and standards of your site. The colors in the image should not overtly clash with the color scheme of the site whenever possible (although this is not a very strict rule).

You have to screen for offensive or unseemly image content, since that will just reflect poorly on your site’s credibility. Always remember that the images need to be a part of your article. They need to be completely suited to the context and should not jar the reference or the readers’ association to the posts.

If you are interested in getting stock images at discounted price for your blog posts check out promo code and thinkstock discount code. Jane also writes for blog where you can find other discount deals apart from that of and thinkstock deals. runs on the Genesis Framework

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  1. I think we tend to forget about images to some extent when there is so much pressure to come up with the best written content we can. I’ve recently become more interested in the images I create for my posts and intend to do as you suggest Jane and take some time out of my schedule and actively try to obtain better images for my posts. At the moment all images have been an after thought.

    Part of my renewed interest in creating great images is the emergence of Pinterest, where it seems images will have an increasing impact on how posts are ranked and shared.

  2. Jane, I do not think one person will disagree with you here. I have used stock images in the past, but more and more as I take road trips; I continue to take snapshots of almost anything with my Android phone. Even a bug flying or running across the floor is not off limits.
    I appreciate you putting this point in here:

    “Take the time out of your schedule to arrange for personally shooting some of the images for your posts.”

    Nice job and thank you

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