Building Traffic Through the Power of Backlinks Part 2

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build traffic with backlinks! Recently I started a short series on building backlinks. The last article was all about building backlinks through social media. This week, I want to talk about building backlinks through social media bookmarking sites.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to get your website noticed is by using social media bookmarking sites. When using these sites, you need to be careful what sites you  use. There are so many out there, and not all of them are well maintained or free from spammers. If you start using sites that are full of junk, then the search engine might consider your site another spam site.

What Should I look For in A bookmarking Site?

When looking for social bookmarking sites, you should look for sites that are related to your site’s niche (site topics), sites that have a lot traffic, and sites that have a lot of interaction between its users. If you choose the right sites, not only will you get the backlinks, but you will all also build relationships on these networks. These relationships can lead to more traffic, others mentioning your articles, services, or products (even more backlinks). But to achieve these results you have to spend some time on these. You can can’t just vote on articles and follow users back. You need to comment on their submissions on the site and head over to their site and comment on it. It even helps if you share their articles on the different social medias sites you like to share links.

My Favorite Social Bookmarking Sites

I do not have an all time favorite site for bookmarking and the list I have created here is not in any order of importance. The sites listed are just the ones I use  most.

1. Blog Engage

blog Engage Social Media Booking Builds Backlinks Blog engage is a site that has been around for more than two years. It gets a steady amount of traffic and new users. The owner of the site is Brian, and you can find him on Twitter promoting your submitted blogs or posting on the blog engage blog. For me, this site has been great, I found a lot of new blogs to read and made a lot of blogging connections. One of those connections was to Hesham from Famous Bloggers. Who helps me with WordPress issues and I am staff writer on Famous Bloggers.  Blog Engage is a site that you have to spend good amount of time and stick with it. If you stop being social, you will loose a lot of traffic from the site.

2. MMO Social Network

MMO Social BookmarkingMMO is another bookmarking site that I use from time-to-time and its been around for less that  year. This site, has a lot of the same users  you might find on Blog Engage, but what’s different about this site is, you mostly find resources related to making money online. You know blogging tips, SEO, SEM, design tips for bloggers, and affiliate marketing tips. Hesham is the mastermind be this site and he has put a lot time designing the site and if it can take off, it will be a great place to get traffic from. Right now its gets a good amount of traffic, but the could benefit from more users.

3. DesignGizer

designgizer social bookmarking DesignGizer is another creation by Hesham. This bookmarking site was created for designers and web developers. DesignGizer is new community and is very small. The site  does have a lot of got articles about design and development, it just need more users.

4. BloggerLuv Community

BloggerLuv Social Bookmarking BloggerLuv Community is asite created by John of Pot Politics / BloggerLuv. The site is a bookmarking site created for Bloggers and those that write about blogging, SEO, SEM and online marketing. The community, has loot of members you will see on Blog Engage, but these users have been around the blogging community for a while. Make friends on the BloggerLuv use this site to share your links, and you will get traffic back to your site.


SERPD - Search Engine Marketing - Socia Bookmarking

SERPd – is a new bookmarking site for marketers. You can find a lot of good information about SEO, SEM, and online marketing. This site is like Sphinn, but its not as hard to get your articles listed. If you spend sometime on this site you should see traffic from SERPd. Even if your a designer or blogger that doesn’t have anything to do with online marketing. You can find some excellent articles that will help you get more traffic to your site.

6. The Web Blend

The Web Blend - Social Bookmarking for Designers The Web Blend is another design site dedicated design bookmarking. You can find tutorials in coding, design, PhotoShop, and inspiration articles. This site can bring good traffic, but you have spend time on the site voting and commenting on the users’ sites. Once they know you, will get more traffic and more comments back on your site.

7. Design Float

DesignFloat - social media bookmarking for designers Design Float is a great site for design. You can find a lot of users from Web Blend, but there are still a lot of users that aren’t on other design sites. As with Web Blend, you can find articles that are design related tutorials and art inspiration articles.

8. Design Bump

design bump social media bookmarking for designers Design Bump – is another social media bookmarking site for designers. Design Bump is a site that you will have to build a following to get any traffic from. If you do not spend any time here commenting and voting on other users’ work, then all you are doing is getting backlinks.

Final Thoughts

Using Bookmarking sites to build backlinks is an easy way to get them. But to get the full benefit of these types of sites, you  must spend some time on these building a reputation. Once you get that reputation, you can spend less time on these sites. But you still need to visit them to keep your brand known. These sites are constantly adding and loosing members daily. So if you stop using the sites for a few months, when you come back, you may not know any of these new users. If you are worried about the amount of time it takes to use these sites and building a following, it does take time. In the end its worth it. Your site, brand, and your other social media accounts will grow. A lot of times your friends on these networks will follow you on Twitter and several other networks. It takes time, so be patient.

Once your site has been around for a while and has lot traffic coming in, then you can use these sites less often. Since I am concentrating on work, school and my projects, I am not posting as much and choose where I post my articles.  I found that I post less and working on making better articles and tutorials, I have more time to share my articles on the different social networks and be more social on those sites.

Image Source: Gael Martin runs on the Genesis Framework

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. You don’t realize how many social bookmarking website there are until you see them listed. I’m a huge fan of most of these sites. I don’t sue them as much as I should seeing I’m always commenting and promoting the blog engage members articles.

    I’ve used Serpd a few times because Gerald introduced it to me. he’s a great guy and help a lot when it came to me contests so out of respect I helped promote it and I submit some articles. It’s hard because it’s very SEO specific so if you don’t blog about SEO it’s not really a good site for you.

    I love what john has done with bloggerluv community but I will be the first to say ti’s very dated. Look at the front page stories some are really old.

    I think the Drupal powered website looks amazing. They did a superb job over there. I think thewebblend has the most potential from all the sites listed… besides blog engage of course LOL.

    This was a great compilation James.

  2. Great post James!

    Although I never seem to find any social bookmarking site that is related to my site’s niche, Education.

    Do you know any social bookmarking site that would be suitable for my site? And do you think it would be effective for getting traffic hits in my case?


    • Amr,

      I did a quick search, I didn’t really find anything in your niche. But I will keep looking.

      My best advice is to start using, Blog Engage. They will have the closest thing to your niche and try out bloggerluv. At least you can build a network of friends to help you out.

      Also I would use Digg and StumbleUpon. Both those networks are so large that after some time, people interested in your niche will find you. But once again, these networks take a lot of time building up and getting traffic and new readers to your site.

  3. These sites are all awesome for bookmarking and the communities are great. With the exception of 6 – 8, which I thin are more tailored towards “design”, I am using all of them and they are indeed great sources of traffic and building backlinks.

  4. Alright, time to give Blog Engage another look. Traffic’s been good for me recently, but I definitely need to find some newer readers. No rest for the weary, not until 6 billion uniques are had.

  5. Those niche specific sites are great not only for getting relevant links but also targeted traffic which often results in additional links. Another excellent web design bookmarking sites is Dzone. Yesterday I received 300 visitors from it for one post that got on the homepage.

    • Thats great Roko. I forgot about them. I never really got much traffic from them. Do you spend a lot of time on that site?

      • I don’t spend time at all there. I have account and did submit few posts in the past, but after some time I forgot about it. The post in question, the one that got on the homepage, was submitted by someone else, some reader of mine, who was so kind to submit it.

  6. Thanks for this list. I didn’t know about most of these sites and they look great.

    Just re what you say about them taking a bit of time for the effect to kick in: I think that can be applied to just about all online marketing including forum promotion and blog commenting. You’ve really got to keep at it for a while simply to keep reappearing enough to get known, since there’s so much competition. The mistake that most people make is to just flit from site to site, then give up!

  7. Janet Callaway says

    James, aloha. Thx so much for this comprehensive list. Your comments along each are very much appreciated. Recently several of us have been discussing which bookmarking sites are best and your post will go along way to answering questions.

    Having saved this, I now want to go find part 1. Aloha. Janet


  1. Building Traffic Through the Power of Backlinks Part 2…

    Building traffic back to your website can be trouble. One way to get your site noticed by others is to use social bookmarking sites to traffic to your site. Here is a list of 8 of my favorite social bookmarking sites….

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