What is Tycoon Blogger

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Montize Your Blog As you can tell I am on a blogging and marketing resources kick this week. If you are here to read more about design, I promise to move more in that direction next week. But this week is all about sharing some of my favorite places I like to read, comment on and learn about blogging, social media, and promotion. As a designer and SEO consultant, I find promotion through online sources such as social, blogging and guest writing, very important part of design. The way I see it is, you can design all day, but if no one knows who you are, never seen what you can do, then you do not exist. In order to exist in the modern age, we need to use the internet. The internet is the fastest way to get your name known to the world. A few short years ago using the internet may not have ben the best way to advertise, back then the best was still through TV / radio and hard copy adds. For local businesses this is still important, but if you are trying to pull in new buisness from outside of your local buisness areas, then you need to do some online marketing. Online market can be very simple and cheap or it can be extensive, time consuming and expensive. Deciding what route you want to go is all up to your goals and on your budget.  One of the cheapest ways to go is do the marketing yourself through social media and running a blog. If done correctly you can easily build a list of new customers and build your rank in the search engine. By doing this your local buisness traffic should also go up.

What is Tycoon Blogger?

Today, I want to introduce to you another great resource for promoting your blog and buisness online. The site is Tycoon Blogger. Dan Keller the owner of Tycoon Blogger is a Resume Writer and a Career Pro Blogger. He is a professional that has been creating successful quality resumes that generate results for over ten years. His background includes experience as job recruiter (headhunter) and corporate HR experience. He puts all of his skills together and shares them with us.

Dan’s site, Tycoon Blogger, is a blog that helps small business and individuals to use social media to build their personal and buisness brands. The site covers topics such as blogging, social networking, marketing, entrepreneurialism, and making money online. He shares all of his tips and tricks with us while holding a full time job.

If interested in what kind of articles you will find on Tycoon Blogger, Dan considers the listed articles some of this best articles. Check them out for yourselves and you decide. Personally I think they are helpful.

If you still need more, check out his Best of Articles of Tycoon Blogger. He gives you twenty articles that are helpful to everyone who is a blogger, website owner, or anyone looking to market their work.

Why I like Tycoon Blogger?

I have been visiting Dan’s site for over almost a year. Throughout that time, I have found some great articles there, and I have learned a lot about different ways to market a site and building my brand through social media. Because of of his tips, I have built a stronger social network, and I am slowly getting more traffic from social media and other marketing sources.

Whenever I have a a question or another visitor had a question, he is quick to answer. Recently, Dan changed the theme of his site. I have to say it looks good and has a professional look. I highly recommend this site if you are looking for ways to monetize your site and build your social network. If you are looking for career advice, check out his other site, Career Copilot. I haven’t spent much time on this site, but it does look promising.

Image Source: Stock.Xchng

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. I am a new follower of Tycoon Blogger, and to say it in short, I simply enjoy reading his posts. I have missed a lot of good old posts on Dan’s site (actually I have missed posts on all the blogs that I follow now because I am somewhat new here)….and this post has highlighted some of his best ones.

    • Sourav,

      Dan has a lot of good articles. I tend to go back and read some of older ones from time to time. Almost never comment on them. It doesn’t hurt to go back and read what you miss…

  2. Dan is one of my must visit blogs every week. I enjoy his writing and recently he decided to broaden up his topics so it will be exciting to see what he has to offer. If I already know a little about him, I’m sure it will be awesome.

  3. Interesting site, I’ve never stumbled across it before, I’ll make sure I check it out more in future, some interesting stuff on it.

    Nice of you to take a break from design and share your resources with us

  4. Off-topic: James – click on your “twitter” category: what happened to me was that a ginormous wp-cache error occurred, one that I’d imagine might cause a number of problems.

    On-topic: I’ll definitely bookmark Tycoon Blogger. I can’t say I’ll be frequenting it, but that post about promoting one’s blog like a product looks like something that could help me get focused with my efforts that much more.

    • Thanks for telling me about the Twitter subject. I am not sure what the deal is with that. I will try and figure it, but it seems the other links are fine…

      Dan’s got information, but its only helpful if you can use it. If you use Google Reader, I would advise subscribing to his RSS and then you can look over and skip it if it isn’t helpful that day… Thats what I tend to do…


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