QuickTip: How To Mention Someone in the Google Plus Network

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Google Plus One

Earlier someone asked me how to mention someone on the Google Plus Network and have the status link to that person’s profile.

Once figuring out how to mention someone on Google plus I decided to see how many tutorials or mentions of how to do this on the web. I found only a few articles. But of them were not very useful. They gave the basic information but no screenshots. For those that like to have a visual reference, screenshots can help you. So I decided that I would a create a short article with some screens shots so we can all see what is going on.

Mentioning someone on Google Plus is a lot like mentioning someone on Facebook. But instead of using the @ symbol you will use the plus symbol (but the @ symbol also works). All you have to do is start writing your commenting the press the plus key on your keyboard and start typing your friend’s name.

How to mention someone on Google Plus

Multiple Mentions on Google Plus

If you are wondering if you can do mention multiple people on Google Plus, the answer is yes you can. All you do is keep adding the plus symbol and each name you want to mention. Below is a great example of mentioning a lot of users at one time.


Final Thoughts

I found that the mention feature is a little buggy sometimes. Adding the plus or the @ symbol may not always work. If it doesn’t trigger the mention drop down menu, delete back past the plus symbol and try again. During my testing, I found that it could take a few tries and as of writing this article you  can not add a mention once you have created the status update by editing the status update.


Image source: Inconfinder

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. Brankica says

    Love the tutorial.

    I am not sure but I think I saw people being mentioned either by their e-mail or URL. Did you figure that out? Cause I am still trying to figure it out somehow.

  2. Tania Shipman says

    I have been trying to figure out how to mention someone in google plus. It was great finding out just how easy it is to do it. I was getting hung up over the weird id for google plus. I’ll be using it in future and thanking you with a plus one 🙂

  3. Thanks for this article. I’ve used the trick and now I can successfully mention people in Google plus.

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have been using Google Plus for a while and I just figured out how to mention individuals. So simple. I just smacked myself in the forehead:)

    Have an awesome weekend!

    Stacie Walker

  5. Is it possible to mention a person if they are not in your circles? I don’t seem to be able to do this.

    • Hi Jason, I haven’t found a way to do this, I have tried several different times and have had no luck. But I am always looking for way to do this. If I find a way, I will post another quick tip …

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