10 Ways to Deal With Blogger Apathy

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A blogger could have a brilliant and exciting strategic plan. However, if they have no passion, drive or motivation for blogging, their plan will amount to nothing. While there are times when energy will be low, making writing, researching and networking a drudgery, bloggers need to find new and innovative ways of fighting apathy.blogging success

Keep Motivated!

The following are some tips that can help keep your motivation for blogging up.

Start a series

It is not easy to come up with fresh subjects to blog about every day. You could pick a wide subject and break it down over a week or two. Once you have a subject to work on, you will get your creative juices flowing.

Revisit old posts

Your archives are probably full of articles and posts that you have worked on for hours. Some of your new readers might not have read any of your old posts. Therefore, once in a while, it would be worth updating old posts, re-posting old posts or just bouncing off old posts.

Write posts in advance

When you are well motivated and have some energy, you could write several extra posts to keep for an apathetic/rainy day. When you feel inspired, write more articles so that when you are not up to it, you don’t have to.

Maintain an idea journal

This involves maintaining a list of several topics you could write about at a later time when you are uninspired. This could include post titles or even several points you could write on. Keep your journal with you always so that any time you are inspired, you can work on any of the ideas.

Have a posting schedule

It’s amazing how much you can get done with deadlines. Whereas plans and schedules might not work for some people, they can be great motivators to keep you going. Knowing what you are aiming at will help keep you on track. Whether your goal is 3 daily posts or 300 monthly posts, goals can be useful for keeping your blogging moving.

Invite guest bloggers

Inviting other writers to post on your blog can inject some new ideas. You could write alongside the guest bloggers or take some time off to rejuvenate.

Read other blogs

At times, it is easy to get lost in blogging and forget to network with other bloggers. When you read other people’s blogs, you might just rediscover why you began your own blog. In addition, you are likely to learn a few tips and tricks that you can apply to your own blog.

Short posts

If you have nothing much to say, keep your posts brief and concise. The simple act of posting an article may ignite your blogging creativity. Besides, short posts can be very effective communication tools, and might just bring something fresh to your blog.

New stimuli

An effective way of raising your creativity levels is to get exposed to new things. Watch a movie, buy a book, take a walk, meet new people, listen to some music or bond with your family. Get out of your routine and explore new sounds, sights, smells, touches and tastes. What you take in will have a direct effect on your productivity.

Take a break

Quite often, taking a break is just what an uninspired blogger needs. All of us need a vacation occasionally. Bloggers should include in their annual schedule short and long periods of non blogging. When taking a break, set a start and end date for it. This will give your readers an idea of when you will be back.

Image: scottchan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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About zubin

ZK is the co-founder of Web Marketing Blog where accomplished writers and bloggers share their tips, strategies and stories. Follow him on Twitter at @webtrafficroi


  1. I found the biggest motivator in my blogging life was when I saw my first earnings go into my bank account, they were tiny and it took months but it really fired me up!

    Other than that I would say your have given some pretty sound advice in saying take a break from time to time, burnout can totally kill you.

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