Streamline Your Social Media Status Updates With the New Hootsuite Publisher

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Hootsuite does it again! They have added even more great features to their already feature packed dashboard. Now they gone and streamlined your scheduled updates, selection of profiles, and broadcast messages to your audiences.

Hootsuite publisher streamlines the way you schedule tweets

Scheduling Your Status Updates across Multiple Networks Just Got Easier!

Do you schedule a lot of tweets, do you schedule updates for multiple networks as well, are you tired of flipping between tabs to see all your pending tweets? Then your in luck! Hootsuite did away with the pending tweets/status updates columns in favor of a calendar view.

When looking at the calendar, you have options you would find in most calendar software programs. You can view your pending tweets by list, day, week, or month. Each status update or tweet looks like a scheduled appointment would in your calendar.

Hootsuite publisher streamlines the way you schedule tweets

How to Activate the Hootsuite Scheduled Tweets Calendar

To active the calendar, simply log into to your Hootsuite dashboard and accept the popup asking you to upgrade to the scheduled tweets calendar view. Once active, your pending tweets/status update columns will look like the image below. Now you can delete this column and free up screen real estate or add another column if you need to. To access the calendar, click on the paper air plane icon in the top left corner of the dash board.  For more information on the calendar, please visit the Hootsuite blog.

You can now remove Hootsuite pending tweets column!

Smart Profile Selector

Hootsuite now offers a faster way to select multiple social media profiles!Have a lot profiles? No problem, Hootsuite Publisher solves this problem. In publisher view, you can select one profile, some of them, or all of them with a click of a button. If you have dozens of accounts, you can use the auto-complete text field. So if you know what the name of the profile is but don’t want to search through all of the profiles, enter the name of the profile and it will find it for you!

Save even more time by creating a list of your most used profiles by clicking the star next to the profile. Once you have your favorites selected, you can filter by favorites, then select all send an update to all of your favorites with one click.

Create User Rights for Each Hootsuite Profile

Is your Hootsuite account used by more than one person, have a large staff that maintains your corporate social media profiles? If so, you can control each user profile and setup those users that are not ready to post live status updates. Instead of sending those updates live, a locked down account will send their status updates to draft so they can be approved by a trusted profile. This is just another great feature added the social media security features of the Hootsuite dashboard.

Hootsuite offers Hootsuite profile user rights for mutliple hootsuite users

Final Thoughts

So far, I like the new Hootsuite dashboard features. I haven’t had much time using Publisher view, but from the few tests I have done, it works great and the other features will be of great use for those that have a large social media need or have a lot of Hootsuite user profiles to maintain and control. If I come across any issues with the new features, I will let everyone know.

So if you haven’t had a chance to try out Hootsuite yet, then whats stopping you? They offer a free version that is great for anyone just getting started with social media and they have premium versions for those that need more features than what the free version offers. Sign up and test drive Hootsuite today!

So what are your thoughts on the new features? Have you had time to test and use them?

Images are from the Hootsuite Blog. runs on the Genesis Framework

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. Thanks for sharing this great tutorial with your audience James! We truly enjoy seeing the excitement from our customers plus watching the great stuff you do with the dashboard.

    Cheers from HootSuite HQ!

  2. Thanks again for your feedback about our recent Publisher release – we’ve just announced an update to the dashboard including the return of the Pending Updates stream.

    The Publisher and Pending stream are now interchangeable allowing you to schedule and manage with your preferred tool. In most cases, your previous Pending Update streams will also re-appear.

    While we were at it, we increased the limit on Batch Scheduling to 200 per social network (in batches of 50) and improved support for international character sets.

    Please take a spin and let us know what you think:

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