Gmail Gets Drag and Drop Attachments and Insert Calendar Invitation

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Yesterday on Google’s Official blog they announced two new features were added to Gmail. For those that do not use Gmail, Gmail is a popular email system that has been growing with popularity since its invite only release in 2004. What different with about these new features is that it was rolled out for general use and is hard coded right into Gmail’s services instead of options that have to be installed through Google Labs. With most new features Google releases to the labs first.  The features that were added are drag and drop attachments, and insert calendar invitation.

Drag and Drop Attachments

As a die hard fan of Gmail, all my personal accounts and some of my work related email accounts run through Gmail. I send a lot of attachments and I find that when I have to send multiple attachments this can be time consuming. Several other webmail systems have already incorporated this feature into their system and I am thankful Gmail the changes and did so well.

Drag and drop only works with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox 3.6. But as other browsers start to support this feature, Google will enable it. The feature is as simple as it sounds. Find the file(s) on your computer and left click and while hold the left click down, drag the files to your email. Then you will see a green box appear where the subject line was. You see text telling where to drop the attachment. Once you drop the file it will attach to your email for you.


Calendar Invitation

Google now made it possible for user to insert an invitation from Google Calendar. This new feature will all users to create new events and insert the invitation link to allow users to see your event you shared with them. If the users you are sending the invites to have their calendars shared, you will be able to see their calendar and schedule accordingly.

I use to use Google Calendar a lot but switched over to Outlook for work, after reading about this new feature I might have to start using Google Calendar and start sharing schedules with friends and family. To create an event, Select Insert: invitation and fill out the required fields. You can find the invitation link under the subject field.




What do you guys think? Are you using this feature or have plans to use it in the future? runs on the Genesis Framework

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. The invitation feature is great for scheduling meetings and conferences.
    My recent post Increasing WordPress Pageload Performance Can Backfire

  2. You can use Outlook and Gmail together. I do it using a tool called gsyncit. Works great!
    My recent post Growing Lettuce in the Early Spring

  3. Gmail keeps getting better all the time. I really love the new drag and drop feature.
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  4. Same here. I forget sometimes…Gmail is my favorite email tool.
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  5. Cool features! I'm on Google Apps for Domain and I still don't see the same changes being implemented.
    It really makes me want to think if I should revive my gmail account and just forward all my google apps mail mail back there?
    My recent post I Hate Mondays: Mastodon and the Calm Amidst the Rage


  1. Element321 says:

    New Blog Post: Gmail Gets Drag and Drop Attachments and Insert Calendar Invitation

  2. Gmail Release Two New Features…

    On April 15th 2010 Google release two new features for Gmail. Drag and Drop attachments and Google Calendar Event Invite insertion….

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