Digg Digg a SocialMedia Book marking and voting plugin for WordPress.

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Over the last few months I have been in search of a way to add voting tools to the blog post automatically and still look good. As most know if you want to add a Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Blog Engage and many other buttons there is a plugin for it. The issues I came across is, they were all different sizes and generally hurt the flow of the text or images. As a designer, I see this as a design flaw. So I tried to manually inserting the code in myself or not adding all of the voting tools. As I learned more about marketing and social media, I realized how important these tools can be to your site. So after some research I came across a plugin for WordPress called Digg Digg. This plugin integrates Digg, Reddit,dZone, Yahoo Buzz, TweetMeme (twitter), fbshare(facebook), Polladium, StumbleUpon, Delicious and, Sphinn and puts these buttons into WordPress content post.

After installing, you have variety of configurations you can setup using Digg Digg. The best part is, if you configure it right all the icons will flow nicely with your layout. Since Blog Engage and MMO Social Network voting was not part of Digg Digg Plugin, I set those to align right before the content. Since the Dig and Facebook buttons are larger than my vote buttons to left, I used the compact versions of Digg, Google Buzz, and Face book and aligned to the left before the content. I then added the Reddit Vote button, TweetMeMe, StumbleUpon, Delicious, and Sphinn it buttons aligned left using full size buttons since several of the buttons did not have compact buttons. As for the rest of the marking system, I turned off, but if I ever become active with these sites, I can always add them.

As of February 20th, 2010 DiggDigg added Google Buzz Buttons. You have an option to use a compact version or the regular size button. For my site I will be removing my manually coded button to use this button.

The configuration is simple, only four configuration steps and your up and running Digg Digg. It only took about five minutes to configure and another five or ten minutes to decide on the layout, and what icons I wanted to use.


The first thing you need to do is download and install the plugin through the admin panel. After the plugin is installed and activated, you will need to tell Digg Digg where to display the icons. Once the buttons locations is set, you will need to design if you want the icons to line up horizontally or vertically. For the fourth step you will need to tell Digg Digg what buttons to setup. When you are selecting which buttons to use, you will at this time tell where each button will go. Such as, before the content, after the content,  float right, float left, or none. You will also need to decide on the style of the icons. Some of the buttons have a compact version as well as the normal size one. The final part in the step is to set the weight of each button. By weight I mean where in line will the icon be placed. Larger the number the more important the icon is and it will be placed first. The final step is to configure TweetMeMe by entering the ReTweet name.  The print screens below is how I currently have Digg Digg I have set.DiggDiggSetup


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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. Do you know if there is button like this for Blogger blogs?


  2. Very useful post, James.

    I was not aware of this plugin but this post explains it's use nicely.
    I too am concerned about the way these buttons disrupt the flow of text. I am considering the removal of my Buzz button because it seems to get little use and also shows up in my Facebook stream instead of my post image. I'd rather have the image so I have to look into that. But this, I like!

    Thanks for sharing, man.

    This is a very useful post
    My recent post Brand Building with Twitter

  3. Hi James, great info about this plugin. I just have a concern about having too many "social" choices on the page. If I have the Topsy button up top and then I have a Twitter button in my Sexy Bookmarks, then do I really I need to have another Tweetmeme for the same post?

    I'm trying to minimize the number of links on one page. I'll give it some thought.

    My recent post Twitter, Tweetmeme, and Your Retweets


  1. Digg Digg a SocialMedia Book marking and voting plugin for … http://bit.ly/c9Xra2

  2. Element321 says:

    RT @element321 Digg Digg a SocialMedia Book marking and voting plugin for WordPress. | Evolutionary.. http://ow.ly/1poOBB

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