How to add Delicious Daily Auto-post To Your Blog

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Over the last couple of days several people have asked me how to setup Delicious to auto-post to their blog.  After several days of research and searching the internet for a plugin or s PHP /Javascript Scripts that will do this for me, I came up unsuccessful. Either they were not up to the standards that I wanted or there were not any. I started playing with the settings and options on Delicious’ settings page and I found that they offer a daily posting system for the webmaster/ blogger.

First thing you need to do is Sign up or Login into your Delicious account. Next start bookmarking, adding descriptions, and tagging pages you want to post to your blog. Once you have several bookmarks, its time to configure Delicious to post to your blog.

  1. Click Settings and look at the bottom of the page. You will link that says Daily Blog Posting.  – Insert picture
  2. Enter your information into the form fields.
  • job_name  –  Delicious Daily Post  – This just gives the job a name
  • out_username – WordPress Username
  • out_password –  WordPress Password
  • out_url –
  • out_blog_id –  1 – set this if you only 1 blog
  • out_cat_id – 1 – should post to default
  • out_hour – 3 –  (from 0-23 in UTC) convert your time to UTC

Once this is  setup, all you have to do is to bookmark everyday and you will have a post everyday. If this is done correctly, you can turn your collection of bookmarks into a major feature of your site. I have only done this for a few days now and I already have several repeat visitors.


I have not figured out how to change the format or add any addition information to the daily blog posts from Delicious. Since I can’t change anything from Delicious, I try and go and edit the daily posts and add some kind of the description of why I bookmarked the list of sites and change the name of the post. Then I add the keywords and category as needed. Then I complete the SEO fields and re-post.

If you save a lot of bookmarks or you find it slows you down to manually add bookmarks to delicious, you can always Delicious Bookmarklet. “Bookmarklets (Buttons) are links you add to your browser’s Bookmarks Toolbar. They are an easy way to post and view your bookmarks on the Delicious. Only Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer 6 and 7, Chrome and Opera are supported in Delicious.” – From Delicous. runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

Take advantage of the 6 default layout options, comprehensive SEO settings, rock-solid security, flexible theme options, cool custom widgets, custom design hooks, and a huge selection of child themes ("skins") that make your site look the way you want it to. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. I'd be using the method you brought up here, but it post every bookmark you make on delicious. I have two blogs and not all of my bookmarks fit into each of them. Now I'm trying Postalicious it gives me more control of which bookmarks I post to which site and the look and layout of the post.
    Give it a try.
    My recent post Trying a new way to post bookmarks


  1. How to add Delicious Daily Auto-post To Your Blog | Evolutionary Designs…

    Have you ever wanted to take your Delicious Bookmarks and have them post to your wordpress automatically to your blog daily? Well your in luck, Delicious offers this feature, with some configuration you can have this setup in a mater of minutes. All y…

  2. […] Visit link: How to add Delicious Daily Auto-post To Your Blog | Evolutionary … […]

  3. Element321 says:

    How to add Delicious Daily Auto-post To Your Blog | Evolutionary Designs

  4. Element321 says:

    How to add Delicious Daily Auto-post To Your Blog | Evolutionary Designs #delicious #deliciousautopost #blog

  5. How to add Delicious Daily Auto-post To Your Blog…

    Over the last couple of days several people have asked me how to setup Delicious to auto-post to their blog. After several days of research and searching the internet for a plugin or some PHP /Javascript Scripts that will this for me, I came up unsucce…

  6. Element321 says:

    , @JayNeff How to add Delicious Daily Auto-post To Your Blog | Evolutionary Designs

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