SEOPressor the Easiest Way to do On-Page SEO

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When it comes to SEO, doing keyword research can be a little overwhelming and it gets boring fast, so that is why I recommend SEOPressor for WordPress. SEOPressor is a premium WordPress plugin that provides a checklist in the right side bar of the post editor that gives you suggestions to help optimize your article. As you write your article, SEOPressor monitors your content by managing your keyword density and makes sure that your article has everything needed that the search engines like. Using SEOPressor to Generate Traffic to your Site

Image credit: 123rf – businessman drawing a marketing website schema in a whiteboard

I believe that applying SEO tactics to your websites and every article written is a great way to build traffic from the search engines. But staying current with the latest rules to SEO is almost like a job in itself. Most companies generally hire an outside firm or employ someone that is their main to build traffic for the company website.

But for small business owners and individual website owners looking to gain more traffic from the search engines, may not have the budget to hire an SEO to help get more traffic to their site. For those that do not have the budget for an SEO specialist, there is hope. If your site is runs off WordPress, then you can install an SEO Plugin for the basic SEO functions that WordPress doesn’t cover. But for complete control and recommendations for your on-page SEO, you need a tool that helps optimize your content. As I mentioned before, I believe SEOPressor is the tool to help you get your content optimized for the Search Engines.

SEOPressor Features

SEOPressor is more than just an on-page SEO tool, it has a variety features all designed to help you rank better with the search engines. When your site rank is high, search engines, see your content as important and worth reading.

Recently, SEOPressor released their latest version, SEOPressor5. These new features are all useful and can even replace a few of your other plugins you might be using.

On-Page SEOSEOPressor the Easiest Way to do On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is what made this this tool so helpful to website owners and its one of the main reasons why I like this plugin so much. SEOPressor comes with real-time evaluation and recommendations to improve site content for SEO.

  • It will analyze Keywords in Title, H1-H3 Tags, keyword density, content length, exact placement of your keywords, images, links and font decorations.
  • Automatically and intelligently decorate your keyword fonts and adds ALT Texts to your images.
  • Calculates On-Page SEO Scores automatically upon refreshing.
  • One-Glance Fast & Easy SEO Management
  • Intelligent suggestions on what to tweak
  • Organic Traffic to your site
  • Doesn’t slow down WordPress

Over-Optimization CheckSEOPressor the Easiest Way to do On-Page SEO

Believe it or not, but you can over-optimize your articles. With SEOPressor, that won’t happen. It will warn you and tell you lower your optimization score.

  • The better the score each page gets, the better the rank the search engines give the pages. This means more traffic!
  • When your site is optimized, it tells you. If the score turns red, then you’re over-Optimized.
  • To get out of the red zone, remove some of the unnecessary bolding, italicizing, or underlining. As you remove them, the overall score will decrease. Once you score is between 85% to 100% your back in the green zone.

Multiple Keyword and LSI AnalysisSEOPressor the Easiest Way to do On-Page SEO

SEOPressor will take keywords and relate them together by pulling from the text and associating them using semantic algorithms.

Using this feature, will target up to three keywords and for each keyword a recommended set of LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords will be listed for you to use for better on-page SEO. LSI keywords are now being tracked by Google.  LSI is used to assist in retrieving and delivering accurate information from a very large data base (Google)

  • “This helps to develop themed sites on a broad scale rather than centering around one keyword when implementing LSI.
  • Using various types of keyword with similar meanings make it easier for search engines to determine the niche/theme of your site’s content.
  • The biggest benefit is the increase in traffic you can experience from employing this technique.
  • LSI also creates opportunities to reach wider audiences as when an audience might not be interested in the content of your primary keyword, they might be intrigued by the other synonymous keyword.”

– Information sited from SEOPressor.

Structured Data Support (Rich Snippets)SEOPressor the Easiest Way to do On-Page SEO

Your articles will have additional lines of useful code that is visible to the SERPs. This additional information is customizable. It all depends on what type article you write. This information makes it easy for visitors to determine how relevant and reputable your site is at a glance.  rich-snippet1

  • Using rich snippets gives your articles the extra information to connect and engage with your readers.
  • Stars in the search listing are great eye catchers.
  • People tend to click on links that have the rating stars over links that do not.
  • If you do a lot of reviews, rich snippets will make it easy for readers to quickly find your article over other articles that may not be reputable and relevant to them.

Automatic Smart Linking

Automatic Smart Linking isn’t a new thing. There are several free and premium plugins that do it. Some of them do it well, and others not so much.

Like other automatic linking tools, SEOPressor will add internal and external links that you setup. By doing this, you do not have to worry about remember to link to other sites or linking to relevant internal pages. The search engines, considers articles that link to other pages, including internal pages as a good thing and will count to your site’s rank.

“All the keywords on your site will be better-linked in terms of relevance and site navigation, simply done by specifying only once which keyword should be linked to which URL.SEOPressor the Easiest Way to do On-Page SEO

  • This is a very convenient tool for helping the client to include both internal and external links for specific keywords in a website.
  • All you have to do is identify which link is suitable for a specific keyword that will appear often in your post.
  • You save time and effort without having to constantly and individually link each keyword each time you write a new post.
  • Bounce rates are severely reduced as site navigation and linking infrastructure are greatly enhanced. “

– Information sited from SEOPressor.

Social SEO

Another great feature of SEOPressor is that it will automatically add Open Graph and Twitter Cards to your page’s source code. Both Open Graph and Twitter Cards are used by the SERPs to see your contents relevance and rank your pages better.

In short, Open Graph Graph and Twitter Card describes in detail what your content is about.

  • “Open Graph tags allow to specify how Facebook interprets your page and account for the amount of shares your content receives.
  • This also affects the quality of your Facebook shares from an SEO perspective, allowing Google to rank you higher for data content that “makes sense” to it.
  • Twitter cards make it possible for you to attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content.
  • Simply add a few lines of HTML to your webpages, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a “card” added to the Tweet that’s visible to all of their followers.
  • Twitter cards can give you control of how your content is displayed with Tweets, drive traffic to your site and increase your number of followers.

– Information sited from SEOPressor.

Final Thoughts

SEOPressor the Easiest Way to do On-Page SEOSEOPressor is a great product that is trusted by businesses and private website owners to help them with their on-page SEO. They use and love this tool. Although, I do not own SEOPressor, I have used the plugin on some of the sites I write for. When using the plugin, I find it easy to use and its fast loading. As I make changes, the plugin updates as well. Several of the other on-page SEO tools I have tried out were limited in what they could or slowed WordPress down enough that I disabled the tool. I do have plans to purchase this plugin and once I do it will be available for our guest writers to use.

So if you are looking for a way to get more traffic from the search engines and want to work on your on-page SEO, this is the tool for you. Prices start at $47 for a single site license. If you have more than one site, you can get the unlimited licensed version for $97. To purchase this plugin and learn more about SEOPressor, head over to their site. runs on the Genesis Framework

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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