Finding That Perfect Color – HTML Color Code

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Designers in general use color everyday in their designs. But if your not a designer, you like to design your own websites and profiles on different social media sites, you need to know color. By knowing color, not only do you need to know the name of the color you want to know, but you need to know the hex code as well.

Why Knowing Color Hex Code Is Important?

Memorizing every color hex code is not important and impossible for most. But being familiar with the hex codes and where to find a color chart is important. Having a good color chart is important because a lot of times you know what color you want to use but you can’t get that perfect color using the color selector or color picker on your design tools or profile settings. But in most design software packages and profile sites, they have a field where you can enter the color you want.

What Does a Color Hex Code Look Like?

HTML color has six hex values and looks like #000000 (black). The code can have both numbers and letters and those values are broken down as 2 values for red, 2 values for green, and 2 values for blue. If this doesn’t make sense, then think about it as if you are mixing colors at paint store to get a certain color. You add  and remove colors from the red, green, blue to make different colors. But of course, when mixing paint, you have more colors to choose from…

Example: Lets say I wanted to use deep sky blue for a color in my design. Some browser might read this as your color choice, some might not. So to be safe, I would use the hex code for this. Since this a color I rarely use, I would refer to a color chart for this. The hex code for deep sky blue is #00BFFF

Where Can I find a Color Chart to Use?

There are a lot of charts available on the web, and I eventually plan to make my own and add one to Evolutionary Designs but until then, I use instant eye-dropper’s chart. It’s the easiest to read and they keep simple without adding a lot of graphics to take my eyes off the reason I am looking the chart.

Finding that perfect color - HTML Color Code

Final Thoughts

Using color hex codes is the best way to get the right color to display on your site or social profile. But keep in mind, your color scheme might look different on different monitors and operating systems. Even though modern computers and monitors can read more colors, its always a good idea to use web safe colors in your design.

If you are looking for color inspiration or if you have a color in mind but do not know what looks good with that color(s) then check out my article on color generators. Not only will a color generator help you select the right color scheme for your design, but it will give you the hex codes as well…

Image Souce: Print Screen from Instant Eye Dropper. runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. has a really good color palette and you can just click on any color and get the HTML hex code for it. It is spot on for finding colors in websites too, just take a print screen capture of a website, use the color chooser and you can find the HTML hex color used on any image.

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