How to best integrate social media to promote your Magento store

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Socialization. Entertainment. News Update. Keeping up with brands. Social media is at the center of everything for a modern consumer.

Did you know that, according to Emarsys, a total of 3.2 billion people are on social media! That accounts for almost 42 percent of the total world population.

For businesses, social media provides a lucrative platform to converse with their target audience and to convert them into profitable customers.

How important is social media for brands? Well, a few statistics may help in setting the record straight!

  • According to GlobalWebIndex, over 54 percent of users browse social media to research products.
  • As per Social Media Examiner, 93 percent of marketers make use of Facebook advertising for promoting their small businesses
  • LinkedIn reports that 80 percent of social media-driven leads generated by B2B companies come from its platform

The rise of the online world, including social media, has been quite beneficial for Ecommerce stores. By the end of 2020, it is being estimated that online shoppers will surpass the staggering figure of 2.05 billion

One Ecommerce platform that has managed to leave a mark is Magento. According to W3Techs, currently, it powers over 1.2 percent of the internet. As per Magento, its platform boasts over 250,000 merchants.

If you also have a successful Magento store, you must think about leveraging the power of social media to promote your business!

How to best integrate social media to promote your Magento store

Benefits of integrating social media with Magento store

Here are three benefits that make integrating social media with your Magento store a necessity.

1. Key to boosting website traffic

Did you know that people spend at least three hours daily on various social media sites? Facebook alone features an average usage time of over 20 minutes. This means you are much more likely to drive traffic from social media than via organic searches!

2. A way to communicate with your users

Compared to traditional marketing channels like television and print advertising, the online world allows you to communicate with your customers. This provides first-hand opportunity to resolve grievances customers might have regarding your brand as well as answer questions regarding your product.

3. Initiating word of mouth

In today’s world, positive word of mouth is much more beneficial for the brand than brand-centric promotions. This is because people trust other fellow customers, to tell the truth about the purchase experience.

If you deliver a quality experience to your current customers, they will share their experience within their friend circle on social media. This will help you in multiplying your user-base as well as potential customers.

How to integrate social media with your Magento Store?

Now that you know how vital it is to integrate social media with your Magento store, the next crucial step is to learn how to integrate the two together.

Currently, the only way you can integrate social media with Magento is by making use of Magento extensions. These extensions can be added to the basic solution delivered by Magento. Different extensions help boost different functions of the store.

For instance, let’s say you have a store targeted towards other businesses. Since LinkedIn is an excellent social media platform for B2B firms, you can integrate your Magento store with it. This will allow LinkedIn users to visit your website without leaving the platform directly. Combine this with a quality LinkedIn scheduling tool, and voila, you will have a great LinkedIn specific marketing strategy.

Similarly, if a chunk of your target audience is present on Facebook, you can make use of the extension called Magento Social. This extension can be used to connect your store with Facebook. You can then proceed to sell products directly via your Facebook ads.

Compared to other social media integration extensions, Magento Social is currently the only one that is delivered by the in-house team. To integrate with Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, you must contact third-party developers instead.

How to use Social Media for your store?

Merely integrating your Magento store with social media is not enough. It is just one part of a robust social media marketing strategy. You must also take measures to leverage social media to boost your business effectively. Here is how you can leverage social media.

Set the right goals

How do you know which social media platforms you need to integrate with your Magento? You must conduct thorough customer research whereby you understand who your target audience is and where they are present.

For instance, Instagram is much more popular with Millennials, while Facebook is now often used by Gen X. Depending on who you are targeting, you must build your online presence.

Build a relationship

Your social media platform isn’t just a place for you to promote your brand. Instead, it provides you with a chance to build long-lasting relationships with your customers. Understand that users of today are quite wary of promotional content.

You must build your credibility and authority via your social media platform. By doing so, you are more likely to improve the conversion rates of your online store.

Always track

Just because a given social media strategy seems to be working well today doesn’t mean this will always be the case. The online world is quite unpredictable. You must track your social media presence and campaigns. The monitor is closely and revises your plans and communications if need be.

Tracking your social media performance will provide you with insights that will allow you to decide when you can move from sharing helpful information to selling your product.

Ending Remarks

This decade is, by far, an excellent time to launch your online store. The power of social media, along with the recent move of shoppers towards online solutions, means that if you play your cards right, you are bound to generate profits.

Integrate your Magento store with social media platforms that are best aligned with your target audience. Choose the right extension to do so. Create a sound social media strategy to back up the integration process. Watch as your store starts getting high traffic. runs on the Genesis Framework

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About Michelle Joe

Author Bio:
About Michelle Joe: Michelle Joe is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences, and express herself through her blogs.

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