How to Reset a WordPress Site

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It is sad but true: the excitement about a new project usually turns into frustration as soon as the work involved becomes clear. It surely gives away to the feeling of “Let’s just get this over with.” and you can’t wait to start working on something new again.

When it comes to development, this is as true as possible. Debugging is a real struggle, and more often than developers would like to admit, it causes a bunch of stress. As soon as they fix the bug, which they found in the code with the utmost difficulty, several more pop up. With them, the moment when the new project comes seems too far away and with every bug that needs fixing, their motivation halves while the headache multiplies.

Imagine the frustration when they see that the project went too far down the rabbit hole and that they should have started or repaired something differently. Especially when working with WordPress, this is a whole new level of frustration, as there is no reset button. Getting back to the previous settings takes hours, sometimes days, and it sure doesn’t help to speed up the development or with loving what you do.

What do the developers do when they face a problem, though? They develop a solution. WP Reset is a WordPress plugin, created by developers and meant for developers. By allowing them to reset the website with a single click, or revert to previously setup settings, this plugin speeds up the development and debugging process. With this, it also removes unnecessary frustration when things don’t go as planned and saves an incredible amount of time that could have been, for sure, used for greater and more creative good.

How to Reset a WordPress Site

What are the features of WP Reset?

There are several features to WP Reset that are intended to help you out with developing, debugging and testing.

One-click clean-up

The first and essential feature is the opportunity to restart the whole website with a single click. Instead of deleting everything manually, the developers now have a chance to get rid of all posts, custom posts, pages, media files, users and both themes and plugins with a single click on a button. You will effortlessly get rid of all the mess in your default and custom tables, without having to lift a finger more than once.

You don’t have to worry about the essential things either, as they will stay even after the reset. No files will be modified or lost, and you will get to keep the site’s title and address, WordPress address, and your search engine visibility settings. Even though all the users will lose access to the site, you will get to keep the username and password, and you will be logged in automatically after the reset.

Selective resetting

If getting everything gone is not what you were looking for, WP Reset also comes with selective reset feature. With a single click of a button, you could get rid of all themes, or all plugins. If it is transients that are giving you headaches, then go ahead and delete all of them. Or, you could clean up your uploads folder, which tends to get messy and confusing after a while. With a single click of a button, you could also get rid of all .htaccess files, for example, while keeping everything else intact.

Create database snapshots

“At one point, I had it right where I wanted it, and then something went wrong.” If this is the case, then install WP Reset to prevent this from happening in the future. With this plugin, you will be able to create database snapshots within a couple of minutes. These database snapshots have several practical use cases to them that will save you hours of work.

If you had it right where you wanted it, with this plugin you can revert to this state or to any other point in the development of your website at any time. Make sure to create a snapshot of it, and if something goes south, you can use it as a checkpoint – no need to start from scratch. It is perfect if you are looking for a solution to a particular problem and you don’t want to experiment much with the rest of the website.

Database snapshots are handy when you are trying to figure out where and when it went south. By comparing two snaps, you will quickly recognize the most obvious suspect. With that knowledge, you can revert to a previous snapshot, and derive a new plan on how to proceed with development, without wasting too much time on finding the culprit.

Post-reset setup

Another time-consuming misfortune is that even if there were a reset button, getting everything back after the reset could take you more effort than you have left after getting to ground zero.

With this plugin, apart from database snapshots, you can set up which aspects of your website you would like to keep after the reset. Make sure to set up the preferred plugins, themes, and options before you hit the reset button, and WP Reset will make sure that they are there after the reset.

Integrations and compatibility

Two rather useful integrations are there to make you more productive and efficient in your developing efforts. WP-CLI is fully supported, so in case you prefer typing to clicks, you can perform it through your favorite command line.

If you rely on webhooks to get the job done, rest assured that WP Reset has got you covered. With webhooks integrated into this plugin, you will be able to trigger your tools from afar.

Last, but not the least important feature is WordPress Network compatibility. While still in the development phase, you can use this feature to get rid of anything you don’t want on your websites anymore.

Summing it up

When all the features are listed, it is easy to see the numerous ways WP Reset will help with your productivity. It doesn’t just reset the website; it saves you valuable time and patience you could be using to figure out a solution to an annoying problem or to create something new and better! runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

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Take advantage of the 6 default layout options, comprehensive SEO settings, rock-solid security, flexible theme options, cool custom widgets, custom design hooks, and a huge selection of child themes ("skins") that make your site look the way you want it to. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

About Michelle Joe

Author Bio:
About Michelle Joe: Michelle Joe is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences, and express herself through her blogs.

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