5 questions you should ask before you hire your next Amazon SEO company

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As a business selling on Amazon, there is no question you are strapped with a slew of different tasks to perform. For example, you have to find the right products to market on Amazon, sell them, source them, make images, analyze and track your Amazon listings, invest in Pay Per Click marketing, stay ahead of competitors, etc.

Take into consideration the number of products you have to sell on Amazon and multiply these activities by those products, and you may feel like banging your head against the wall. Assuming that you will be able to manage this tremendous workload, just think about the amount of time you have to invest doing these tasks – time that you could probably put in different facets of expanding your business. That is essentially where good Amazon SEO service providers come into play.

An Amazon SEO agency can help streamline your product optimization on Amazon while keeping your company visible on the massive online store cum search engine. However, when it comes to selecting one, there some important question you are going to have to ask them to gauge their level of experience and competence.

5 Questions You Should Ask an Amazon SEO Company Before Hiring Them

5 questions you should ask before you hire your next Amazon SEO company

1. Do you adhere to all the Amazon Guidelines and Rules?

This is important because Amazon SEO comes with a comprehensive set of rules that need to be followed to the letter. It is different from performing SEO on Google. When it comes to Google SEO, the worst that can happen if a rule is broken is that your website can be penalized. However, if the agency does the same on Amazon, there is a high probability that Amazon will cancel your account. In addition, you will not be able to create another account.

Using paid reviews or incentivizing customer testimonials can be very risky to your business. An experienced and reputed Amazon SEO agency will stay as far away from these strategies as possible. That is why asking this question is vital – it will help you separate the bad eggs from the bunch.

2. Will you guarantee top or #1 searching rankings on Amazon?

This is another vital question and can help you eliminate fraudulent agencies that are looking to score fast sales. The question also applies to Amazon SEO agencies. You have to understand that there are plenty of different factors and variables involved in product optimization. You have to consider the changing landscapes of competition, alterations in the algorithm, etc. all of which make it quite difficult to guarantee a company a top spot on Amazon right off the bat.

Sure, resourceful and reputable Amazon SEO service providers will make it possible to enhance your product listings, pushing them to the top. However, you may not be able to generate an adequate return on investment in the short term. And there are plenty of reasons why this will happen, poor click-through rates, zero or bad conversions, etc. That is why the fundamental focus of a good Amazon SEO agency will be to maximize your return on investment on Amazon instead of emphasizing solely on getting your product listings on the top.

Moreover, even if an agency guarantees that they will push your ranking on the top spot, it is vital that you see the type of keywords they are using. Check whether the keywords in question are obscure, don’t make any sense at all, or are long-tail keywords that will just provide your listing with a few click-throughs per month.

3. How do you report and keep track of the milestones reached and the success of SEO campaigns?

If a company does not guarantee top rankings on Amazon and instead focuses on building you a favorable return on investment spread throughout a timeline, it becomes massively important to monitor, track and measure improvements. You need to partner with an Amazon SEO agency that has impeccable reporting standards.

You need to make certain that your Key Performance Indicators are aligned with the Pay Per Click marketing campaign the agency is running on your Amazon account. It is good practice to ask for weekly reports on progress from SEO agencies. What this will do is help you maximize your objectives and at the same time, enable you to measure your return on investment.

4. Will you share a record of your past results?

There is no doubt, getting a good glimpse at an SEO agency’s past portfolios for results will guarantee good results in the future. It would be great for you if you could find an Amazon SEO agency that has collaborated with a similar business in the past and has adequate business experience in line with your verticals. There are different rules and guidelines for different product categories, so if you manage to find an agency that has marketed a similar product category, it will save a lot of time.

5. Do you have comprehensive knowledge of the Amazon buy box?

Another very important aspect you should look for in an Amazon SEO agency is the fact whether or not they have adequate knowledge of the buy box on Amazon. Being a seller on the online retail giant, it is critical that your organization wins the buy box – as it can grant an immeasurable competitive advantage.

The agency your partner with should have all the right knowledge pertaining to buy box, which has two vital tools you will need to harness adequately – the “Add to Cart” and “Add to List” buttons. With the right SEO and product optimization, you could dominate the buy box in your particular product category, becoming the default seller of products in your category on Amazon.

So there you go – all the right questions you must ask your next Amazon SEO agency in order to get faster and more effective results from your marketing campaigns on Amazon.

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About Michelle Joe

Author Bio:
About Michelle Joe: Michelle Joe is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences, and express herself through her blogs.

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