WordPress 3.3 Sonny Has Been Released

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Yesterday WordPress released their latest and greatest version “WordPress 3.3 Sonny” which has updated the new user experience, navigation, uploading, and imports. Now WordPress has drag-and-drop-uploader, hover menus for navigation, a new toolbar, improved co-editing support, and a new Tumblr importer. WordPress even added new a feature for those new to the software, will have pointer tips for new features included in each update, welcome message for first-time users, revamped help tabs throughout the interface. And for iPad users and other tablets users, WordPress now has improved dashboard experience and better touch support. Check out the video


WordPress 3.3 Sonny Installation Issues

As with any new update for WordPress, there is always the possibility of plugin incompatibility with the latest and greatest version of WordPress. With this version, currently there are two known issues one with Popup Domination and I have heard several people mention an issue with W3 Total Cache causing installation issues. The issues causes errors that breaks WordPress and the installation that causes you not to be able to log into the admin panel.

How To Avoid Installation Errors

To avoid any installation issues, you can wait a few days until your plugins have been updated. But if you can’t wait a few days and you just want the update now, then deactivate all your plugins and then do the update. Once you make those updates, then one at a time, reactivate your plugins.

If you come across any issues after the installation, check out the WordPress support forums to see if there is a resolution.

Solve Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_rtl()

If you get the error message “‘,Solve Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_rtl(), during the update process then follow these great instructions from Hesham from Famous Bloggers. Also check out the comments. Some of the commenters got other errors and had to find other ways to fix them.

Final Thoughts

As of right now, I haven’t upgraded Evolutionary Designs and I have no plans of upgrading until I have chance to see what errors come up and if there is a fix. In the past, most errors are usually resolved in a few days, if not in a few hours. As for themes and plugins, most developers will take care of these issues quickly. If you have a plugin causing problems, then deactivate the plugin until its updated.

Did you receive any errors during installation or after the installation? Lets us know what happened when you updated.

EvolutionaryDesigns.net runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

Take advantage of the 6 default layout options, comprehensive SEO settings, rock-solid security, flexible theme options, cool custom widgets, custom design hooks, and a huge selection of child themes ("skins") that make your site look the way you want it to. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. I deactivated my W3 total cache plugin and upgraded from the control panel and so far so good. Might uninstall w3 and go with another caching plug in. Note: I use the thesis theme version 1.8 so I was a little woried because its been a long time since thesis has had an upgrade!

  2. I’ve upgraded 3 installations of WordPress with no problem at all (other than trying to find the hidden items). However, I did not perform a backup on the websites which was pretty stupid.

  3. Have problems with WordPress 3.3 Visual Editor and Toolbar
    Started a new post, dismissed the pop-up intending to read it later, clicked HTML and posted a few lines. Then it was impossible to get back into the Visual editor and the Toolbar was gone. Obviously you cannot edit a post under those circumstances. And from what I see online a lot of people are having similar problems.

    The only, far from perfect, solution I have found is to go to Admin and disable the Visual editor when editing. That way the toolbar comes back. Consequently it’s possible to write your articles in a word doc, paste it into the HTML editor and then just add the final touches such as links, photos and make some words bold.

    Does anyone know how to sort out this? Would be really grateful.

  4. I spent the last 2 weekends moving my website to the WordPress platform. Between all the reading, test installs, etc… A lot of hours went into the project. FINALLY everything is working.

    Then a new update came out and I am like “what about my plugins?” So I have not updated to the new version. I hope like you mentioned that pluggins could be updated in a few days.

    Either way, I appreciated this information.

  5. Just updated to it there the other day, and all seems to have gone smooth for me. I also just completed a host transfer before I did it, so I was mildly surprised to see that everything worked without any problems

    I think it’s a good update, I like the new drag and drop image uploader

  6. How about media?? I have updated, and suddenly I can’t add media to my posts. Which really sucks.
    When I click on the media button, the page goes grey-transparent, and then nothing more happens…
    How do I fix this?? Been looking at wordpress.org + searching the web….

  7. I also have problems with media upload. I cannot add medias to my post. I can still use the flickr plugin to add photos, but the drag and drop feature is not there.
    Btw i am a Mac user and I have tested both Safari and Firefox.

  8. I seem to be having challenges with WordPress 3.3. First mistake I made was update without disabling the plugins.
    The site would not open at all. I tried to restore my close to 3 weeks old backups but it did not help.
    I had to delete the whole site (except for contents which I renamed to oldwp content), installed 3.2.1, updated to wordpress 3.3 using automatic update. The update worked but was getting a white screen when I try to go to the homepage. I changed the theme to twenty ten ( from twenty eleven).
    …..Fast forward…. the website is running smooth and I try to make changes to AWPCP, the site crushed again. I went through the same process as before. Using my local intall, I was able to recover the posts.
    I think wordpress 3.3 is not as stable as 3.2.1

  9. Solution :
    Step 1 : Change the theme
    Step 2 : Clear the cache
    Step 3 : Go to your editor
    Step 4 : Change to ‘HTML’
    Step 5 : Change to ” Visual Editor’
    Step 6 : Now you can find the Visual Editor Options Step 7 : Change to your original theme

    If Problem Persists, Add ‘ WP-Super Edit / Use Google Library ‘ Plugins, then check it. 🙂

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