Day one and Two In Kelowna B.C.

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Its now Wednesday night and we have packed in so much, that I haven’t had much time to post up all the great pictures and talk about a few of the places we stopped. Everything has been going well and we have seen a lot of Kelowna. During the first two days we went and visited a a Winery, tasted goat cheese from the local goat farm, visited the beach around the lake, visited one of the local wildlife parks, beer tasting at Tree Brewing Company, and walked the cultural district.

I won’t go into much detail about the individual trip but I will highlight on a few places we visited on day one and day two of our trip. One of the first stops we took was to an organic winery that is known locally for its giant cellar pyarmid. Unfortunally, the sun never came truelly came out so a lot of the pictures have a gloomy sky. Hopefully we will have better weather the rest of the week and get some better pictures.

Summhill Winery

The Summerhill Winery is oragnic winery that uses only local organically grown grapes from around the area. The winery also has there own vinaryd and does everything on the property. As for the pyramid, its not only a market tool but it was spiritally  designed to put out the best energy to help make a better tasting wine. Summerhill has a great page about building and why they use the pyramid. As for a better tasking wine, they do have a great tasting wine, and their ice wine is to die for. Since they are a small producer you can only get purchase in the Kelowna area. Once I get back into town I will clean up and post the rest of the images.

Summhill Winery

During our tour we were able to go inside the pyarmid. It was to dark to get any pictures but it was amazing inside. They use the area inside mostly to house the wine as it ages (seperate the yeast from the wine) for 30 days. But they do rent out the unused areas for small wedding receiptions and other events.

Toward the end of the day we visited the water front in downtown. This is a great place to visit and spend time outdoors. We went a park that the city is rebuilding has as nautre perserve. The park has walk/jogging paths with sections of dock over the small area of low lands designed to bring back the local wildlife. During our walk we got a visit from an ospery. But it was to far away to take pictures of it.

Downtown Kelowna Water Front

The walk is not to long, and you get a great view of the wildlife and if you keep going once you finish with the park , you can walk along the beach and head right into the marina. Along the way they have several different small parks and other little gardens a long the way.

We stumbled along this place near the marina concert stage. I do not know anything about, its just there. And its worth the stop if you are on the walking path.

Downtown Kelowna Water Front

Looking out from the park over the Okanagan Lake this is what you might see. This area surrounded by mountains, on those mountains, you can find multimillon dollor homes with great views of the valley and lake.

Downtown Kelowna Water Front

More pictures to come later this week. As mentioned before I plan on posting more images over the next few weeks as I go through and clean them up for posting on flicker and several other places. runs on the Genesis Framework

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. Wow, very beautiful sights to see in Kelown. You also captured very nice shots! I liked the last two photos. It must be very peaceful there, not to mention you get a good dose of fresh air into your lungs. 🙂

  2. Beautiful pictures James! I love the Okanogan. It is so beautiful.

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