30+ Images of Old and Rusty Cars

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Recently my wife and I had the opportunity to take some time off from our busy work schedules back in May to visit family and spend some time disconnected from social media and business contacts. With the amount of work we do its great to just shut down. Sadly, I still had my business cell phone and sales email that I had to check at least once a day, but other than that I was free. During these trips, I am always on the look out for different media I can take pictures with either to use on the blog, to add to my very small portfolio, or use on my client websites. Even though I do not have a professional Digital SLR, I carry a small Canon PowerShot SD960 IS, I try and carry the camera with to take pictures with. You never know what once in a life time shot you could take. I love this little camera it takes good shots in auto macro and even better when you choose the right Macro for the shot you are taking. But it is not the best in Late after sun. It tends to white wash the images. But that’s what color correction is for. I also like it because it easy to conceal and its a lot easier to carry one of these than some of its bigger brothers.

During our trip we drove down to Galveston, TX to hang out at the beach for a few days. When we go on road trips I always look for abandoned cars or buildings that have been abandoned that have the potential of creating images of Urban Decay.

Urban Decay

One of my favorite genre of photography is urban decay. This can be of old abandoned buildings, houses, farm equipment, or old cars left somewhere to rust away and die from the elements. I do not know what it is that I like so much of this type of photography. I know, for the cars it the potential to take an old car and bring it back to life or just to imagine what they might have been…

On this trip I did not find many buildings or farm houses to shot but I did find a bunch of old cars to shoot. During this trip I was only able to shoot one location. The pictures I shot are of old cars from 40s; mostly Studebaker, Packards, and old trucks from the 30s and 40s.  I won’t mentioned the location of these cars but I found them out in a field. These are mostly rusted out shells. They were left to die in an unused field. What was strange was I could not find who owned the field and no one around new anything of the field and cars. They just said they have been there for years, if not decades. In the future, I will look more in this car grave yard. But for now lets just enjoy the images…

Below are some of the pictures I took of them. All of them are still rough, but have been color corrected and still need some advanced editing…

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. Some of these pictures are very, very good: IMG_1760 is probably my favorite – I like that the headlight is a bit to the side, but I wish the effect was a bit more intimidating.

    My favorite photographer is Shannon Doubleday, who is incredible at chronicling decay generally. Her work:


  2. Thanks ashok… All the images are still rough. I haven’t had time to play with effects and finish cleaning them up. I have been wanting to post these up, so I finished the basic clean up and posted =)

    As for IMG-1760 that is one of my favorites as well. I have plans for that one. I will be working on that one in the next weeks when I get some free time to work on it…

    • I’ll go check out your other photography posts, and am definitely eager to see more work by you. I don’t have any talent with a camera whatsoever.

  3. Very cool pictures James!

  4. The picture reminds me of the era of godfather !

  5. I’d love to have a semi-rusted car here at the studio for seniors to take pics in. Great texture, and not something everybody has…or wants to have =)

    • The are great. That would be great. But it they take up a lot space. You would need a pretty big studio and storage area for it. But they do make pretty good pictures.

      Sadly I still haven’t had time to finish cleaning these up. I am somewhere around 1500 images behind. During Christmas week, I will be on vacation again taking even more pictures…


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Famous Bloggers, Element321. Element321 said: 30+ Images of Old and Rusty Cars: Recently my wife and I had the opportunity to take some time off from our busy w… http://bit.ly/cRF8Rn […]

  2. Images of Old and Rusty Cars…

    Back in may on a road down to Galveston, TX i came across an collection of abandon old and Rusty cars in a field left to the elements south of Dallas, TX….

  3. Story added…

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